WMCCAI 2025 Conference & Expo Sponsorships

This page is for purchasing sponsorships for the 2025 Conference & Expo.

Tickets to attend the event can be purchased by clicking here.

The premier annual event of the chapter, 2025 Conference & Expo will feature over 190 exhibiting companies, more than a dozen educational session and hours of networking, all in one place!


All sponsors at Conference & Expo will receive:

  • Recognition with logo and link on event pages on WMCCAI's website and marketing materials 
  • Recognition in Quorum magazine** 
  • Signage recognition at event
  • Pre-event and post-event attendee list
  • Sponsors with a total C&E Sponsorship spend of $2,500 and over will receive one featured social media post one month before or after the event dates. 
  • Sponsors with a total C&E Sponsorship spend of $5,000 and over will receive one featured social media post and one dedicated sponsor email to the chapter membership one month before or after the event dates. 

      Additional benefits for each level are listed below as applicable

Headshot Lounge & Photography

Two companies can share this sponsorship at $2,750 each. Want to make it exclusively yours for $5,500? Purchase two (2) tickets!

• Company name or logo on signage at the Headshot Lounge
• Company logo on webpage post-event for attendees to browse photos from event
• Opportunity to put swag at the Headshot Lounge

Beverage Station Sponsor

• Company name or logo displayed at all beverage stations
• Guaranteed placement of a beverage station close to sponsor's booth location

Charging Station

• Company name or logo printed charging stations in the expo hall

Swag Bag Item

• Company provides swag item to be included in conference bag for all attendees (estimated 2,000 items needed)

Traffic Builder Game

• Company name or logo and booth number included in traffic builder game board for all attendees
• Prizes provided by WMCCAI
* As of 2/18 all sponsors will be on game board only.


Ready to become a sponsor? Make your purchase here!

Sponsorship Terms and Conditions:  

Logo Usage/Submission Guidelines: By signing this contract you permit WMCCAI to use your logo for marketing efforts (including Quorum Magazine, marketing materials, email messages, or website). It is your responsibility to notify WMCCAI of any changes to your logo. If you change your logo mid-marketing, WMCCAI can update it digitally but NOT print. If you have questions about submitting logos for use in WMCCAI marketing materials and website, please contact info@caidc.org. 

Social media: WMCCAI uses social media to market events and education sessions. The Chapter may tag/mention your business in social media campaigns (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter). To ensure that we are tagging the correct business page, you are encouraged to like or follow the WMCCAI pages on social media. Sharing the post will help ensure more exposure for your business and create more engagement. 

Payment Policies and Terms: All payments are due upon signature. Sponsorship benefits will not be provided at the event for sponsoring companies who have not paid the sponsorship fees. Advertised prices are for members; nonmembers add 25% to all listed prices. Any costs already incurred by WMCCAI to fulfill sponsorship benefits will be deducted if a refund is due to the sponsoring company. No sponsorship fees shall be waived nor shall refunds be made. All credit card charges over $250 will be charged a 4% credit card processing fee. Sponsorships can be purchased with a credit card (preferred), WMCCAI Partner Dollars, or a check.  

Terms: Some benefits of sponsorship packages are based on commitment date. These benefits may include recognition in WMCCAI event marketing materials, website, company branded material distribution, and in Quorum magazine. Some sponsorships include the ability in include advertiser company-branded materials. Materials subject to approval by Chapter staff. 
